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Reviews from customers who purchased: Colorful Retro Circular Pattern Hook Handle Umbrellas (Small)
3 of 4 people found this review helpful
Colorful Retro Circular Pattern Hook Handle Umbrellas Small
surprisingly great
Overall Rating :
Recommend For : Myself
Print Quality :
Product Quality :

Review: I was very shocked to see that my design lined up well. The silverlite program is awful when it comes to uploading images and moving them around. It would cut off my image as well even though i gave it crazy bleed. The material seem sturdy enough. I used it in light rain and i remained dry. Just waiting on a downpour to see if that remains true and if the colors dont run. The handle alone is what surprised me the most. You could knock someone into a coma with that thing. It is so strong.
Pros: Well made. Extention rods are curved instead of straight. Cloth material is waterproof so far.
Cons: colors werent as rich as original file but close. I ordered 2 and one had a mistake in the print. They also super stretched my design for the velcro piece that closes the umbrella which looks bad for branding purposes.
Bottom Line: worth the money just wish they paid more attention to detail.
Location:new york
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2 of 2 people found this review helpful
Colorful Retro Circular Pattern Hook Handle Umbrellas Small
So so beautiful!
Overall Rating :
Recommend For : Myself
Print Quality :
Product Quality :

Review: I love my umbrella, it's super original, I'll never see the same design in the street, it's so beautiful and high-quality!.
Pros: Good print, high quality.
Cons: None, at the moment.

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